10 Common Problems to Solve For Baking a Perfect Cake-

While baking a cake is not rocket science still it is not so easy to be taken super casual. Generally, new bakers learn the recipe and try it on their own. No problem with that but practically, a recipe only is not enough. You need to be attentive and need the spot problem-solving attitude to tackle unlikely events during the process. 

In this blog, we have come up with the 10 problems that everyone faces while baking according to the best baking classes in Delhi. If you are new to the cake baking field, it will help you not to make mistakes and bake a perfect cake on your very first try. 

Following are the 10 problems and Their Solution:


1.    Peaks and Cracks:

The very first problem that we will discuss is the getting peaks and cracks in your cake. This is a minor level problem but it clearly ruins the look of your cake eventually leading to the dissatisfaction of your customers. This happens because of three reasons. 

  1. If you have put too much raising agent in the mixture it leads the cake above its limit. 

  2. If you have chosen a smaller tin incapable of holding the cake comfortably. 

  3. The set temperature is so high that it causes the cake to rise uncontrollably. 

The solution for this is simple. Double all your measurements about cake, tin, mixture, and temperature. 

2.    Your Cake is Too Dense:

The cake is a fine soft light dish with toppings on it. If your cake is not light, it will give an unpleasant feeling in your customer’s mind. The lightness of any cake depends on the air bubble in it. Air bubble lowers the density and gives the cake a soft fluffy feel. To create air bubbles in the cake, you need to beat the batter. You need to beat it for enough time so that the right amount of air bubbles get created. 

Adding eggs to the cake earlier than required is another reason for the cake being denser. Make sure that you aren't eager in the process and patiently wait for the right time for each step of the cake baking process. 

3.    Overflowing of the Mixture:

 Knowing a recipe is good but you need to understand that it’s not enough. Overflowing the mixture is a very common problem that newcomers face. Choosing a smaller size tin is the sole reason for it. There is no tip for solving this challenge other than checking the measurements again and again. Notably, with time and practice, you will automatically master it. 

4.    Sunken:

Another very common problem for cake bakers is a sunken cake. This happens because of three reasons. 

  1. If you check the baking process too often. Opening the oven door too often lets the cool outside air come into and affects the cake in the centre. 

  2. The cake was not cooked for long enough so that each part got baked properly. 

  3. Using too much raising agent in your cakes is another reason for cake sinking. 

  4. If you leave the cake mixture out for too long. 

5. Having Air Bubbles on the Cake Top:

The core of this problem is the air bubbles inside the cake. If you leave the cake mixture outside for a long time before cooking it, the air bubbles will rise to the top of the mixture. Hence you will see them on the top after the final draft. 

Two ways how you can prevent this. 

  1. Preheat the oven before you assemble and mix all the ingredients to save time. 

  2. Immediately put the mixture into the oven when you pour it into a baking dish.   

6. Soggy Edges:

Leaving your cake for cooling is a necessity after you take it out of the oven. But leaving it for a longer time will condensate the edges of the cake by allowing it to capture moisture. This will ruin the edge’s look. 

Once your cake is ready, leave it to cool inside its tin for a few minutes. When it cools down but still is higher than room temperature, take it out from the tin and set it on a plate to cool down.

7. Burnt on the Outside but Uncooked on the Inside:

This baking mistake happens to everyone. The mistake happens when you misunderstand the cake’s condition by getting a glimpse of the brownish appearance on the top. In reality, the cake is still raw in its centre. 

To prevent this mistake, you need to reconsider the temperature and the baking mode. Make sure that you have chosen the right baking mode. Set your cake in the oven at the centre. Don’t set your temperature too high so that it eventually burns the top layer and leaves the cake’s center untouched. Also, make sure the tin you use must not too small. 

8. Crusty Edges:

Crusty edges happen because of the use of grease more than the required amount. You also can’t use it in fewer amounts as it will cause the sides to get fried. Crusty sides also propagate a message that the fat used was not of good quality. 

Choose a moderate amount of grease for applying on the sides. It will help your site to be baked perfectly. 

9. Overcooked:

You will face this if you are a newcomer in the field. Each cake needs its own time, style, mixture, and the right size of tin to get flourished. You need to go through the right process to get a perfect cake every time. 

The very simple solution for this is to fully understand the recipe including temperature, baking time, and cooling time. 

10. Stuck to the Tin:

Don’t underuse the grease as it will cause the cake’s edges to get stuck to the tin. This will cause damage to the sides and neither you nor will your customers feel happy about it. 


A cake made with the right amount of ingredients and love will surely win your heart but the sight of the cake is also very much important in baking. No one buys a bad-looking cake as it will ruin a function’s total environment. It may have offended the guest as well. 

Above are some problems that every baker faces. If you also want to step into the baking industry, we, Chef IBCA- bakery classes in Delhi are always for you. 

