Tips & Tricks for Bread Making

Breads one of the most popular products of the bakery. Enjoyed by people all around the globe this product has seen a lot of history, evolution, modern machine, change of ingredients, taste, and different recipes. Although we can say that the core elements remain the same but several ingredients add that extra flavor that we as contemporary population likes about. At IBPA we offer the most interactive Bread baking classes in Delhi with live training, sophisticated use of ingredients and remarkable results to offer youngsters a way to transform their skills into a profession.

Here are the main tips that one should remember while making slices of bread in their bakery.

  • For beginners and even sometime experts must have a thorough look around for checking the recipe direction.
  • Always try to get the fresher ingredients for your bread recipe.
  • You must bring all these ingredients into the room temperature to get better results.
  • Understanding yeast and its function is a must for bakers to bring the best out of their products. Most of the time we will be using dry yeast something readily available in the market. Although live yeast has more superior texture, flavor, and interaction found in several products still it's not available in the usable state.
  • Use a digital scale nowadays as they are more precise and can help you build sophisticated recipes where small quantities can have a larger impact.
  • Kneading is a continuous activity to form a smooth mixture of the ingredients. Avoid intervals or taking a break during this stage.
  • Bread dough must have stretchability showing the presence of gluten.
  • The ripening process is a must to give dough and yeast to combine for better results. You can try a ripe test to confirm by pushing two fingers into the dough up to the second knuckle and check if the hole remains when taken out it is ripe otherwise the let the dough to rise longer. Whole-grain bread will not rise as much when compared with all white bread dough.
  • Know the Oven from your heart by practicing regular on this machine.
  • If preferable use an oven thermometer to have a complete know-how of the surrounding.
  • In case the loaves are getting browned excessively then first remove them from the oven and cover them with aluminum foil and thereafter return them to the oven to keep the baking process.
  • Some bakers even go to check the internal check of the loaves with the evenly brown outside.
  • When you bring out the bread pan, tap the bottom and if sounds hollow then you must assume the bread is baked.
  • Always cool the bread on the wire rack to avoid soggy from the bottom side.
  • Let the bread loaf rest 15 minutes before you go into cut it otherwise you will just tear the crust.
  • Most of the Quickbread requires 24 hours of resting time before cutting to have a better taste.
  • When using herbs make sure for dried one 1/3rd of the total quantity should be used as they are more concentrated from the fresh herbs.
  • Garlic tends to inhibit the activity of the yeast while Cinnamon can break the structure of the dough affecting the size and texture of the dough.

At IBPA, we understand that Bakery is an art and requires years of proficiency to become a master in this creative field. We have the top Best bakery courses in Delhi with international curriculum and accreditation from City & Guild UK to build a career in Bakery. We have the industry-leading instructors to give students industry knowledge, practical skills, and a thorough learning curve to get ahead of the competition. For any more information, questions and scope of bakery courses connect with our education counselor now!
