Right Ingredients of Pastry Making

Pastries are one of the most enjoyed bakery products by people around the globe. As a professional Pastry Chef, one must understand the basic principles involved in pastry making as this will help you make a successful career out of it. Although Pastry is defined as a mixture of Flour, water, fat and other sweet or savoury taste there are hundreds of types that are used in the making of it. Every step and its effect on the pastry final product has its course and must be mastered to become a reputable baker in life. Here are the main ingredients that are used in pastry making.

Pastry Making

Flour : 
When mixed with mater in a proportioned amount Flour takes the elastic shape with strands of gluten often termed for common as 'Dough'. This fundamental structure is the main used as the base for pastry making. A balanced between the ingredients is must otherwise the whole structure would fall with higher flour will result in tough, flavourless and dry while less flour will result in tough flavourless baked final products.

Water : 
It is mainly used to mix the ingredients properly for final smooth dough but it can have a larger impact if not used at the right proportion. Less water can make the pastry too dry or more crumbly while with little extra water and the result will be tough pastry completely.

Fat : 
These are rubbed together with flour and mixed with water to a final smooth dough which is used for baking purposes. Fat gives texture to the final pastry product being crumbly and flaky in its true nature. Depending on the type of fat being used in the recipes it imparts unique taste to the recipe accordingly with vegetable shortening, animal lard and butter being primary fats for Bakery purpose. Pastry built with pure fats generally tends to be more flaky and crusty in taste but with butter, you might get a better taste.

Raising Agent : 
Steam is mainly used as the raising agent as the dough being converted into various shapes and sizes when heated puffs up to give a specific size for the respective results. Yeast if present can produce gases within the mixture further prepare dough for high-quality bakery product.  Baking powder, Baking Soda and Eggs plus steam can also act as raising agent in the few of the bakery dishes.

Other Minor Ingredients: 
Salt is one of the minor ingredients that imparts its unique flavour to the dish and enhances the overall eating experience. Sugar is added to the raising agent in the leavening process and also used as a flavouring agent for sweetening things. Sugar also aid in keeping the crust moist and further in mixing for multiple small presentations for cakes. Eggs are also found in some recipes with direct emulsifying in a dough and further used for tendering, richness and final browning of the last product that gives an impeccable finish to the bakery product respectively. Acidic Ingredients like lemon, sour creams, Vinegar are added in pie crusts for tenderizing the flour gluten.

Bakery techniques must be learned under the professional guidance where you can learn and perform as a group. ChefIBPA is one established Best Bakery School in Delhi that has outperformed with its excellent growth of bakery students across India.  Professors, there are highly trained and offer step by step guide for building a professional career in this artistic field that can further open your earning potential. One must be prepared to learn these basic fundamental techniques to make a highly successful career in Bakery. 
