Ingredients That Can Make Your Dish Amazing!

So many things bring happiness in one’s life. Amongst them, how many can create a bond between people? And amongst them, how many can retain that bond? When we think of these questions, the one thing that inevitably rings a bell is food! One of the fundamental need for life and one of the most important reasons to live for! Coming home and getting yourself a serving of your comfort food is probably one of the best feelings in the world. Here, we would like to ask, what if you could make your comfort food a bit more comfortable? A bit more soulful and tasty? Okay maybe your comfort food is perfect, but then what if you could make your day to day average food a bit more delicious? You’d be lying if you tell me that this idea doesn’t bring a smile to your face. So today we are in the mood for spreading happiness, and therefore have decided to spill our secrets. Our chefs year of experience while making yummy and delicious cakes in Baking Institute of Delhi.  We tell you today, what ingredients make any food a lot tastier! Let ‘s get to it!
  • NUTS
They are healthy as snacks and are considered to be tasty yet nutritious. But ever wondered how they’ll taste with your curries or stews or gravies? A little piece of information, most Indian gravies, especially the mild ones, have nuts in a paste form in them. Nuts are very healthy and provide with a lot of nutrition. Therefore people with really active life might yield many benefits by adding nuts like cashew, almond, pistachio and peanut in their dishes. Not only will it give your food a creamy twist but it will also enhance the nutritional value!
We know what you are thinking. Butter makes food taste better? No shit Sherlock! But yes, it is worth the mention because we are talking about food in general here. From popcorn to pizzas, butter is everywhere. But let me tell you, butter works wonders in tangy dishes as well! Just once, try making a tomato based dish with butter in it. Or perhaps, a roast with butter and lemon; You’ll realize what I mean and maybe never go back to the basics ever again!
Most people dismiss this wonderful spice because well, it’s too spicy! But not many realise what a magical spice it is! If used correctly, this spice can single-handedly makeover a whole dish! Be it something as complex as haleem or as simple as boiled potatoes. The smokey and unique flavour enhances the taste of the food and provides the consumer with uncountable health benefits! This is a spice to count on guys!
We are sorry, spice intolerant people. Hear us out before killing us. Chilli is a very misunderstood spice. Sure it can be spicy, but there are also variants that aren’t spicy. Capsicum, for instance, is a chili. Does it taste spicy? No. Don’t be a judge fudge and try things out! The flavour of chilli is so versatile that it goes with almost every dish in the world. The spice mostly is in the seeds so if you just discard the seeds and use the vegetable. You will be good to go! Try it out today and let us know your thoughts!
This is kne of our personal favourites! Flavoured oils are a blessing to this world and bless the people who thought that creating flavoured oils was a good idea! Oils like truffle oil, sesame oil, garlic oil, chilli oil etc. are great for cooking food as well as for salads. Heck, they’d go so well will plain crackers and cream! Not much needs to be said about flavoured oils because they speak for themselves! You gotta try them out!
The most loved food of all times globally is (please play drumroll sounds in your head while reading this. CHEESE! People love cheese, and they’d eat it without anything else added to it too. And much like salt, they make everything better! It’s healthy and nutritious, good for healthy weight gain and just so great. Except if you’re lactose intolerant, then it’s not very, and our condolences are with you always! You are missing out on one of the most amazing creations of the world.
As it is, we love food. It is hardwired in our brains to live for food and seek food to live. And we just made your lives so much better. Now everyday food would taste more excellent, and you’ll feel healthier in body and soul! We leave today to let you try these ingredients out!
Also, you don’t need to thank us! We’re here and will continue to make your lives better every day and help you to learn skill of bakery and pastry arts in IBPA
